Part I: Basics of Pressure-Volume Analysis

Included with Student & Advanced Books

Part I: Basics of Pressure-Volume Analysis
B. 4 phases of cardiac cycle on the PV loop.

Chapter 1: The Cardiac Cycle

Chapter 2: Pressure-Volume Relations

Figure 9-2. Loops obtained over a wide range of preloads define the ESPVR and EDPVR.

Chapter 3: Preload

Chapter 4: Afterload

Figure 11-3.  Family of PV loops with increases and decreases in contractility from a baseline state shown by the green ESPVR line.

Chapter 5: Contractility

Figure 12.3 Changes in ventricular capacitance indexed by V30 with shifts of the EDPVR.

Chapter 6: Lusitropy

Figure 5-5. Impact of drugs that increase myofilament calcium delivery on muscle force-length relationship.

Chapter 7: Frank-Starling Relations

Part II: Introduction to Cardiac Pathology

Included with Student & Advanced Books

Part II: Introduction to Cardiac Pathology

Chapter 1: Valve Diseases

Chapter 2: Coronary Circulation

Chapter 3: Heart Failure

Chapter 4: Pericardial Physiology

Part III: Oxygen Delivery and the ABG

Included with Student & ECMO Books

Part III: Oxygen Delivery and the ABG

Chapter 1: Oxygen in Lungs: Alveolar Gas Equation

Chapter 2: Oxygen in Blood: O2-Hb dissociation curve

Chapter 3: Oxygen in Blood: O2 content

Chapter 4: Aa gradient: Diffusion Abnormality

Chapter 5: Aa gradient: Shunt

Chapter 6: Aa gradient: VQ mismatch

Chapter 7: Ventilation and CO2

Chapter 8: Intro to the ABG

Chapter 9: Fick Equation

Chapter 10: Oxygen Delivery and SVO2

Physiology of ECMO

Included with ECMO Books

Physiology of ECMO
Membrane dysfunction Advanced2

Membrane Lung Dysfunction Lecture


LV distension on ECMO

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Cardiovascular Pharmacology


Surgical Approaches to PA HTN

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